Wagon Wheel - Old Crow Medicine ShowOkay time for my once a month blog post.. sorry all 5 readers! I swear it's not because I don't love you, but when you work for an Internet company and are online all day, sometimes the last thing you want to do is blog. Alas, let me tell you about the Underwood Family Farm in Moorpark, CA! Just a hop, skip and a jump away from LA (45 minutes to be exact) is the Underwood Family Farm that has a "You Pick It" Farm where you can pick out your own seasonal fruits and vegetables. Tony and I pulled our little wagon through fields (and were the only people there with out kids mind you) and came home with fresh lettuce, green beans, yukon gold and purple peruvian potatoes, carrots, blackberries, strawberries, cucumbers, brussels sprouts, onions, herbs and the largest squash I have ever seen in my life (see below for Tony's "Squash Phone"). And, all of this amazing produce only cost $25!!! After our hard day of labor in the field, I came home and made Tony and I the freshest Nicoise Salad I've never tasted!
Tony taking a business call on the Squash Phone

Field of Greens

Viola! Salad Nicoise

-Any kind of Lettuce (I like butter lettuce)
-Can of Albacore Tuna in Water
-Cucumber sliced
-Carrots sliced
-Thinly sliced red onion
-Mix 1 tbls of fresh lemon juice with 2 tbls olive oil. Salt and pepper to taste and whisk.
-Lay out all ingredients on a plate, generously drizzle dressing over salad.